Ever wish you could see exactly where your most popular delivery neighborhoods are? With the FireFly point-of-sale system, you can easily map today's deliveries (or any individual day). Here's how:
From the Manager Home Page, look for the "Sales Report". On it, you will see a line for the total # of deliveries today. Just click on the globe icon to the right of the number to bring up the map screen. At the top of this screen is a date selector. All your deliveries for the day will be mapped on this screen - you may need to zoom out to see them all. You can click on any of the map pins to see the ticket #.
Take a look to see what neighborhoods are popular, or to analyze the results of your recent marketing campaign. If you find a hot spot, you may want to do doorhangers to other households in that area to expand on your success. Or if you find an area that's not producing many orders, maybe its time to introduce yourself there!