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Thrive POSThu, Oct 08, 2015 @ 11:55 AM2 min read

Your Restaurant Loyalty Marketing Just Got More Awesome

Did you know it costs your restaurant 5-10X MORE to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one? If that isn't enough, on average, your current customers spend 67% MORE than new customers. 

According to the 2015 Colloquy Customer Loyalty Census, American households hold loyalty_cardmemberships in an average of 29 loyalty programs, but are active in only 12. This means you could lose money on time and effort, and your customers get no more value from your businesses despite being "loyal. According to the same census, while restaurant loyalty program memberships rose 107% to 55 million in 2015, that’s down from 171% growth in 2013.

This means if you're not already utilizing a loyalty marketing program in your restaurant...you should hurry over to this page and learn how to get started!

If you ARE already growing your restaurant clientele with really great (and also automated so you save time and hassle...) loyalty marketing tools...your aresnal just got better!

You've Got Something to Say

You know that Marketing 101 is that you send the RIGHT message to the RIGHT customer at the RIGHT time...something that Granbury's restaurant loyalty marketing solutions, SalesBuilder, already helps you do. You already do this by reaching customers via:

  • Automated e-mail marketing
  • Text message marketing
  • In store tools (i.e. punch cards)

Now we've added a new way to engage your customers where you are and keep your restaurant top of mind...all with a simple "Like"!

Promote Loyalty with Automatic Facebook Posts

Now you can keep your loyalty program top of mind with prospective members with SalesBuilder's new automatic Facebook promos. This gives you the ability to schedule multiple recurring posts that will automatically post to your restaurant's Facebook page, reminding customers of the great benefits of your loyalty program. Also, include a post to your Facebook page when you send a broadcast email!  
The best part of this feature? Just like the e-mail marketing tools, this can be scheduled and automated ahead of time so you can spend time focusing on what really matters - those customers!

Super excited and ready to get started? You can learn more about Salesbuilder's automated marketing tools, or the new Facebook posting options all while continuing the great messaging you are already using.
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